About our school

Our school called ’Gépipari’ is an educational institution with modern attitude based on the following pillars.

  • high level of teaching professional and general subjects,
  • building is adjusted to the ages and skills of students,
  • students are provided with variable and interesting programmes in order to make them feel good at school,
  • traditions are important and they, together with innovation, form the spirit of the 70-year-old school.

In the academic year 2020/21 the school type was changed and is so called ’technikum’ but it does not mean vital change. There are two main fields of building: mechanics has been taught for 70 years and informatics for 25 years. Both fields include some subfields such as electronics, CAD-CAM informatics, pneumatics, robotics, how to operate CNC machines, etc.

Besides professional and general building, we support language learning as well.

What our students’ life more colourful makes is the big variety of traditional cultural and sport programmes e.g. going to the opera and theatre, visiting factories, travels abroad, students’ exchanges, school trips, ski camps.


Name: Gépipari Secondary Technikal Institute of Mechanics and Informatics

Adress: 1 Rohonci Street, 9700, Szombathely

Telephone: +36 94 505 300

E-mail: Ez az e-mail-cím a szpemrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.

Homepage: gepipari.hu


Video about our school:


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2025 érettségi témakörök


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